New Year’s Resolutions for a More Organized Life

New Year’s Resolutions for a More Organized Life

At this time of year, new year’s resolutions are at the forefront of everyone’s mind and at the end of everyone’s social media posts (#NYE #Cheersto2019 #NewYears). As 2019 starts, many people around the world will be optimistically setting themselves New Year’s resolutions. According to a YouGov poll, the most common aspirations for the coming year in the U.S. are to eat healthier, get more exercise and to save more money. The new year offers us all a chance to regroup and start fresh and to reinvent ourselves for the better, so why not start with organizing your life at home?

Only eight percent of people who make resolutions stick to them. But don’t let that figure keep you from your self-improvement efforts this year. One of the best ways to make sure you stick to your resolutions is by keeping them realistic, which often means smaller goals.

We’ve compiled a list of new year’s resolutions and tips that are bound to keep you more organized in 2019.


Call it the stay organized, one-for-three rule. Before anyone puts away holiday presents, they must fill a minimum of three bags for donation to a charity. Go through your drawers and your closets. That perfect red dress that’s just a size too small could be put to good use by someone else before it goes out of style. Choose only your favorites to keep and toss the rest in the donation pile. Do a mass clean out to start the year and commit to taking one bag to the donation bin each month for the rest of the year.

Divide and Conquer

After purging through all of your things and only keeping what you need and regularly use, divide and conquer the rest. Rather than taking on a massive organizing project, break that project up into pieces, like getting the corner of a room into shape, not the entire room.

Enlist Help

Recognize when you need a helping hand. If your closet is out of control and can’t seem to be tamed, don’t be afraid to bring in an expert. At Simply Organized, we focus on organization all day, every day. We can help you kick off your new year with an organized start. Schedule a consultation with us.

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